There are many different experiences that women have during an orgasm. Most will have a shaking motion or they will experience a heat sensation in their bodies. Some, however, have a totally different experience. There are a minority of women who will go through a process called female ejaculation during their orgasms. This process involves the vagina actually shooting a liquid out of it during the climax. Some people also refer to this as squirting, and it is a unique sexual occurrence that few women actually get a chance to be a part of. Here is a basic look at the squirting process.
Female ejaculation can come from just about any orgasm, but most women will experience it with a G spot orgasm. The G spot is an area of the vagina that swells and gets sensitive when a woman gets aroused. If it is touched enough times while a woman is aroused, she can have an orgasm. Standard orgasms will involve a set of muscle convulsions in the vagina, but an extra step happens with female ejaculation. The muscles convulse like normal, but when they expand, a clear liquid comes out. This indicates that the woman is climaxing.
Female is not like male ejaculation, even though they both come out for the same reason. Male ejaculate will contain sperm used for egg fertilization. This is just a byproduct of the body. It shoots out of the vagina, but it comes out in a similar manner to urine. It is not controllable in the sense of what direction it goes, and it comes out in spontaneous spurts. This may only last for a second, but at that time, the vagina looks a lot like a fountain. There are many porn films that are now centered on this event, mainly because it is turning into a fetish for porn viewers around the world.
It seems that people are beginning to develop a fascination with female ejaculation, and part of that may be because it is not a very common occurrence. If you are a woman who can ejaculate, take that as a sign that you have a unique gift. It should never be something to be ashamed of. Women who can do this are adored by most men, and you can be one of them. Have fun with the sexual experiences you have, and enjoy the ejaculation that comes from them.